Saturday, May 26, 2012

What A Wonderful World

Hi Hi!!! So happy that semester break have just begin! I'm so sleepy but suddenly I open up my laptop and surfed youtube. And my hands just typed louis armstrong- what a wonderful world. The lyrics touched my heart very much and the words are just beautiful. So this is it....

What A Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong

I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.

I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.

The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do
They're really saying I love you.

I hear babies crying, I watch them grow
They'll learn much more than I'll never know
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world.

Friday, March 30, 2012


Ola! I have a new poem. It's about being myself and just to stick to myself inside wherever I go. Just ignore what people said because they're just jealous and have nothing better to do. "Believe in yourself," mama said " and you'll achieve greater things in life".


I know I'm different
But what do I care?
You can't ask me what to correct
If you, yourself is incorrect
You can't change who I am inside
Cause I have a whole heart
Full of desire
You can't accused me of being guilty
If I'm the one who make all the rules
You can't grab and turn me
Into a lifeless zombie
Cause I have a dream
Only mine to dream
Go ahead and change me
If you dare to try
But don't blame me
If you're running home crying
Told ya you'll be sorry
And now you'll regret it lonely
This is me
It's who I am
This is my life
Not yours to interfere
I'm sorry if I'm being rude and nasty
But is it a crime to be me
and not a suckish hipocrite?

Monday, March 26, 2012


I'm in my mama's office right now and am from my school. Fuh! Being in form 2 is no picnic I tell you. But thank Allah I can cope with all that. I've been away from class for a while doing props for the English Drama competition at Makmal B. Sometimes when I went there, I felt like its a waste of time because there's no supply to make the props and we just hang around doing nothing. NOTHING I tell you. NOTHING!!! Wasting time is a very very big loss. But sometimes we had a lot of fun together. Me and the props team. I don't want to tell a complete report for my privacy.

I'm in a class which always have a test every month.It's a bit frustrating but my aunt said it's actually a good thing for us because it's a training for us when we will have a REAL test. Sometimes I got a low mark and sometimes I got the highest. Just be thankful with what you get because it could get worse. Relax... Even genius people could make mistake. We're not perfect and we can learn from mistake. If people teases you just remember what Miss Clarkson said: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. What doesn't kill you makes you a fighter!

For now,

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Actually the title have nothing to do with what I wanna write. Whatever. I'm so sleepy but I can't sleep, so I read all my friends' blogs. Wow! They actually wrote all the things that happened in their life including school (that means my name is on their blogs too). Everyday! I can't do that because I'm no allowed to use the computer during school days except for homework. Now is 2012. I know! I am late for writing about the new year this month but I'm going to write it anyway. It's my blog right? This year I'm in 2***. It's nice to have a fresh start but it's SO NOT NICE if a gorilla is sitting behind you in class. That's right! A gorilla. A big, black, hairy gorilla with a devil's laugh. I don't know why but he hated my guts and keep calling me baboon. A baboon! How could I, Amy the cute (hehe) girl he called baboon?! Seriously, I think he should wear some very thick spectacles. So, I called him a gorilla because he is the most nosiest boy and bad boy in the class. He shouts much louder than a gorilla in the jungle. My best friend, N keeps telling me that it's fate he and my met. HA! That is the MOST funniest thing a person have ever said to me. For crying out loud! How could hate means love? N, who do you think you are? A love doctor? Huh! But sometimes I pity N for having to hear me and the gorilla fight sometimes. But I can't resist the urge to talk back at him when he's taunting me. Biane (sorry in Korean) N! My life is very crazy sometimes. Besides, how many times have I told her that I'm only 14!!! I only want my MM(Mystery Man). Ouh! You must be puzzled. MM is the man I found in my dream. He's my man... He is the kind of man I want as my true love (ish) Hehehehe... He;s kind, handsome, smart, and truly likes me!!!! Ooops, terlebih sudah! But N said he doesn't exist and just a part of my dream. Nice way to break my dream N! :( But I know he's out there somewhere.... So, in order to find him, I must study hard and search for him in the entire world. Woah! I must be very sleepy until I write something like that. Ok, better get some sleep before my mother starts nagging at me about health again.
For now,

Friday, February 3, 2012


It's been a long time since I wrote in this blog. I have been busy with exams, study and most of all, I'm just lazy. Lately, I have been writing some poems that expressed my feeling (ish). I love poems because you can turn them into songs just like Taylor Swift but I'm not really into love poems because they're a bit cheesy. At first, my friends laughed at me because they can't believe that I can write poems but they still like my poems. Why they laughed? Because... well... they say that I'm a brutal girl or you can say not matured. Especially the second poem I wrote which is about love. NO! I didn't experience that kind of love... yet because I'm only 14!!! Well, guess what? Brutal girl also can write poetry ok!

You see, I really love this Korean drama, My Girlfriend Is A Gumiho and I truly deeply felt the main characters' feelings, so I wrote the second poem about their love story and it is SO not because I experienced it. But after reading the second poem for so many times, I think I want to throw out all the nasi lemak I just ate this morning because it's... well.... about love. I also can't believe I wrote it but that's the fact. My friends really like the second poem (Helpless Love) because they just looooveee love stories (barf).

The first poem (Miss Perfect) is dedicated especially for *** whose hobby is to torment my soul and who thinks she's SO perfect and all the Miss Perfects in the world. I just hope if one of the Miss Perfects read it she will received god's guardian and be good and kind to people again (ish).
Just rememer that nobody is perfect.

Well... enjoy the poems that I wrote. No copyrights please and don't claim my poems as yours. If you still do it just remember, maybe I didn't know but Allah knows.

Miss Perfect

She thinks she's so perfect
She thinks she's fantastic
She thinks she's always right and everyone is her servant
She thinks the planet evolves around her
She thinks the planet bow to her
She thinks she's Miss Perfect
But Miss Egghead is what I say
She thinks money is everything and boasting is the only way to live your life
Oh,but Miss Perfect is SO wrong
Didn't she know
The world is much more than that
We're all the same
Didn't you follow Miss Perfect's way
If you wanted to then go to hell and she'll lead the way
Human ain't perfect
Keep that in mind
We all need each other and that's what I say
Cause human ain't perfect
Hey, Miss Perfect!
You think you're so perfect?
Well, guess again
Swipe that smug on your face
And start digging the truth
Human ain't perfect
Hey, Miss Perfect
Always telling people around
Always bossing people around and think you're always right
But guess again
Who are you to judge me?
If we're all the same
Human ain't perfect
We make mistakes
But that's the best thing about us
Mistakes are the best teacher
People will ever get
Just sit back and enjoy the ride
We have many years ahead of us
So take my hand and relax
Throw all the doubtness out of your heart
Didn't you know hatred and boasting
Are two dangerous poisons for the heart?
So let's join our hands together
And make the best thing for the future
Mistake is not an exception
Cause human ain't perfect
Ya hear that Miss Perfect?

Hopeless Love

I still can't understand love
That's why I can't get closer to it
But since I met you
I don't know why
But my heart is still calling for you
I can't help myself from drowning and pulled
Towards this helpless love
Since you left me...
My heart is crying everyday
A day has passed but you're still in my mind
Again and again
I'm stupid and a fool for love
People teased me that my love is a fantasy
But my heart is real and this love is still in my heart
I don't know where this will go
Towards this helpless love
Let me stay beside you for a moment
A moment, just a moment
Wherever you are
Please...and please remember me
Even though I'm gone
That I'm in your heart