Saturday, February 4, 2012


Actually the title have nothing to do with what I wanna write. Whatever. I'm so sleepy but I can't sleep, so I read all my friends' blogs. Wow! They actually wrote all the things that happened in their life including school (that means my name is on their blogs too). Everyday! I can't do that because I'm no allowed to use the computer during school days except for homework. Now is 2012. I know! I am late for writing about the new year this month but I'm going to write it anyway. It's my blog right? This year I'm in 2***. It's nice to have a fresh start but it's SO NOT NICE if a gorilla is sitting behind you in class. That's right! A gorilla. A big, black, hairy gorilla with a devil's laugh. I don't know why but he hated my guts and keep calling me baboon. A baboon! How could I, Amy the cute (hehe) girl he called baboon?! Seriously, I think he should wear some very thick spectacles. So, I called him a gorilla because he is the most nosiest boy and bad boy in the class. He shouts much louder than a gorilla in the jungle. My best friend, N keeps telling me that it's fate he and my met. HA! That is the MOST funniest thing a person have ever said to me. For crying out loud! How could hate means love? N, who do you think you are? A love doctor? Huh! But sometimes I pity N for having to hear me and the gorilla fight sometimes. But I can't resist the urge to talk back at him when he's taunting me. Biane (sorry in Korean) N! My life is very crazy sometimes. Besides, how many times have I told her that I'm only 14!!! I only want my MM(Mystery Man). Ouh! You must be puzzled. MM is the man I found in my dream. He's my man... He is the kind of man I want as my true love (ish) Hehehehe... He;s kind, handsome, smart, and truly likes me!!!! Ooops, terlebih sudah! But N said he doesn't exist and just a part of my dream. Nice way to break my dream N! :( But I know he's out there somewhere.... So, in order to find him, I must study hard and search for him in the entire world. Woah! I must be very sleepy until I write something like that. Ok, better get some sleep before my mother starts nagging at me about health again.
For now,

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