Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Walking Down The Memory Lane

R u wondering why I have always been updating my blog recently? UH-OH. Have you ever heard the Malay saying 'buang tebiat' ? UH-OH. Or u better check outside your window to see if the pigs are really flying. Or ask your friends if the sun this morning rises from the west. Better scream right now and hides under your bed and get ready for doomsday. AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Nah! Just joking. Save your screaming because it is not yet doomsday. Nor do I am infected with a strange ailment or new viruses.I am still healthy and pink in health.
It's just that school holiday is very long and there is no fun programmes to watch on the television. I am not allowed to watch Korean dramas till PMR. Yes, I am studying but I can't study for 24 hours straight. I'm a human not a zombie. Still have a desire and feeling lazy. My baby sister is sleeping right now so I have no one to play with. My brother? He's at school, doing revision with the teachers and  friends. 
Huh.... I think I do have a disease. It's called CD. Short term for Changing Dilemma. Have you ever felt that for a while Albert Einstein do succeed to invent a time machine so that you can go back to the time when you're a little girl and just play with your friends and do silly things that your parents back then think it's cute? Well, I do. I wish that the world will stop changing for a while. I miss the feeling of sitting on the back passenger seat of my father's old Wira on a sunny day as he sang an out of tune melody of his favourite songs from the radio. Usually it's a song from Rod Stewart, Bon Jovi, Westlife, Backstreet Boys, Wings, Amy Search and so on. One of the songs that I still remember is The First Cut Is The Deepest, Maggie May, Uptown Girl, As Long As U LOve Me, Baby Jane. Also songs for my mama. The songs that symbolise their love (yuck!) includes Everything I Do, Nothing Gonna Change My Love For U, Hello and many more.
I miss my old home at ********* , my old school, my old tree where I always climb on it, my fav spot to run away from my parents when I am sulking and my secret hiding place. I miss my fav tv show at Playhouse Disney, Sagwa. I also miss Totally Spies.  I miss my Barbie dolls. I wanna go back to the time where I don't have to think about why my friends have pimples, why do I have oils on my face, why do girls like boys and boys like girls, why teenage girls like to talk about love when they are far away from a suitable marriage age, why do they smoke, why do they disobey the teachers, why do they love to be mean to others, why gorilla exists, why do they love to fight, why there is global warming, why are they so boastful, why they tell lies, why are there gossip, why are there so many types of people, why Israel fight with Palestin, why I love to punch people, why do the Phillipines picking fight with Malaysia and causing death of so many people and destruction, why are there so many masks, WHY CAN'T WE LIVE IN HARMONY????? WHY AND WHY???
See? This is a rare, unknown and dangerous disease. It can make someone go crazy with serious thinking and questions with no answers. Is there anyone who is kind enough to answer all of my questions above. Hmmmmmmmmm???
The WHO (World Health Organisation) better take action quickly ASAP!!! I better continue my revisions because I have a serious catching up to do with my Science.
I have to get back to reality because it is impossible for humans to create a time machine. Albert Einstein is dead. Only Allah have the power to do that. Besides, changing is growing. I hate that line actually. Well, if humans don't change we may still stuck in the Stone Age forever where humans back then still haven't discover flames and the males only use leaves to cover their you-know-what.

For now, 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Trying To Excel Both Mentally and Physically

Weird,huh? When you see my topic this time. It's like an essay topic rather than a blogs' issue. Day by day, night by night, weeks by weeks tup tup I am going to take my PMR this year. Another important exam after my UPSR and before another VERY IMPORTANT exam which is SPM!!! Exams oh exams....  Haunting our lives with your macabre and massacre us all.
 I am working like crazy trying to catch up with my previous form 1 and form 2 lessons and doing revision for my form 3 lessons. Plus, kelas tambahan, kelas mengaji, daily chores and reading books ( a snack for the brain), folio sejarah, folio geografi. There's only one word to describe it. IT KILLS!!!  I don't even have enough time to catch my breath. I am suffocating.
Not really because I am enjoying it actually. It made me feel that I have an aim in life. There is a reason for me to live, which is to get straight As in my exams and excel both mentally and physically. I am very grateful for having a good family even though sometimes we get annoyed with each other especially my very annoying,obnoxious and stubborn brother. Sometimes I wish that when he walks around somewhere he would fall into a never ending abyss forever. Yeah, very cruel, I know. At school, when I met annoying people such as:-
 a) annoying prefects who tell us to follow the rules but they themselves didn't follow the rules. E.g: they told people not to bring phones to school but they did. They told the girls not to wear half scarves inside the hijab but they did.
b) couples. They make me sick.
c) bossy people
d) boasting people
e) people who talk much but did very little

Sometimes, when I met them I just wish for a second that this world do not have rules so that I can punch them hard in the face and shoot them with my AK-47 or bazooka (not that I have my own weapon, I am still in my sanity, okay!) Brutal, much? That is only a bit of my aggressive side. Do not worry. I will not kill you if you're a good person. But if you're a bad guy...... Get the idea?

One thing I learned from writing 'karangan' and observing people is that we must be a fundamentalist in our religion. As this can prevent us from the negative elements hence making our lives blissful. 
That is all for this time or should I say this year. It occurs to me that I only write in my blog once in a blue moon. I am taking this chance to write in my blog in English because it can improve my grammar and writing also widen my vocabulary. My mama said that all the things that we do must benefits us even sleeping or talking with friends.
Please pray for my PMR and my annoying brother's UPSR. Yeah, we're on the same boat because we both are facing the important exams of our lives. TATA!!!

For now,


Do or die, you'll never make me
Because the world will never take my heart
Go and try, you'll never break me
We want it all, we wanna play this part

Though you're broken and defeated
To carry on
We'll carry on
On and on we carry through the fears
And though you're dead and gone believe me
Your memory will carry on
We'll carry on
I won't explain or say I'm sorry
I'm unashamed, I'm gonna show my scar
Give a cheer for all the broken
Listen here, because it's who we are
I'm just a man, I'm not a hero
Just a girl, who had to sing this song
I'm just a man, I'm not a hero