Wednesday, May 29, 2013

4 Angels

If a person fall sick, Allah will order 4 angels to :-

Angel no.1: take away his appetite

Angel no.2: take away his prosperity

Angel no.3: take away his beauty (become pale)

Angel no.4: take away his sins

Then, when the time comes for the person to recover and heal, Allah ordered Angel no. 1, 2 and 3 to give back what they took from the person. BUT Allah did not order Angel no.4 to return his sins. This has proven Allah's love to us. So, the gist is don't thought badly of Allah whenever you fall sick because everytime we fall sick, Allah will take away all of our sins. Please remember that this category of sick is the one that comes naturally from Allah and not the one you did on purpose. Everything comes with a reason...... Tata! Farewell.......for now

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