Saturday, May 21, 2011


Hello to all people out there. I'm sorry but I'm just bored right now. Allow me to write down my feelings right now. Now I am ** and in a secondary school, SMK *********. No more SK *********. I remember the feeling as I walk out from my old class, 6 C. Sadness. I have many memories there. Sad + happy. But like my mother said, ' Things change and when it change, people change too'. That was so true.
Now I am in 1***. It was fun learning new things at school. But of course, at school you don't just learn. You make friends. And for me, I observe people. It's my favourite thing to do. I met cheek girls, bad boys, kind people, bad people, girls who like to talk about boys(many actually), playboys, gossip girls and many more. Yup! Many right?
In my school, it's just gross you know when they talk about boys. I mean sometimes I talk about the too but not many times. Well it's up to them to do the right thing or vice versa. 'Cause I'm too young for that.
I just want to make my parent proud of me. Sometimes being a teenage(?) girl is confusing. I hate that. I think it had something to do with ur heart???? Well, that is just dumb.
Having friends are good though. They can help you anytime anywhere. But make sure you have a good friends. I have some. Well, sometimes they annoy me but hey! Nobody's perfect. You live and you learn it. And I also have my diary to 'talk' to.
I also have my SK friends who are at boarding schools. I miss them a lot and I can't wait to see them but at the same time wondering if they have change???
So, the conclusion is: We cannot stop ourselves and time to change. But to just accept the changing. Changing is growing. Just like love is infinit.
Well, now my mother ask me to take a shower.
For now,

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